Otis Rush: All Your Love (I Miss Loving) (testo canzone blues)

Artista: Otis Rush
Canzone: All Your Love (I Miss Loving)

All Your Love (I Miss Loving)

All the love I miss loving, all the kiss I miss kissing.
All the love I miss loving, all the kiss I miss kissing.
Before I met you baby, never knew what I was missing.
Continua a leggere Otis Rush: All Your Love (I Miss Loving) (testo canzone blues)

Led Zeppelin: I Can’t Quit You Baby (testo canzone)

Led Zeppelin I - cover album
Led Zeppelin I – cover album

Artista: Led Zeppelin
Album: Led Zeppelin I (1969)
Canzone: I Can’t Quit You Baby

I Can’t Quit You Baby

by Willie Dixon – Led Zeppelin version

I can’t quit you babe
so I’m gonna put you down for a while.
I said now, I can’t quit you babe, so
I guess I got to put you down for a little while.
I said you messed up my happy home,
Made me mistreat my only child.
Yes you did, baby. Oh!
Continua a leggere Led Zeppelin: I Can’t Quit You Baby (testo canzone)

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